Hey there. Remember me, friends? I've been away from this blog for, oh, 3 months or so. Well, I've realized that I'm not so good at blogging, but I do like living life. Here's a quick update on a few of the things we've been up to in the past three months:
Napa sunset on July 4
Wedding crashing in Santa Fe on our first Lydali business trip
A beautiful wedding and the newly minted Popes!
Carrolls and Prices hanging in Harrow
Oxford with the fam
A glimpse of the Olympics
Lydali reunited and it feels so good
Learning what it feels like for everyone we make sit in the back of the convertible
The view of the Golden Gate never gets old
Just loving on JP
And showing off some Lydali bling
The summer hasn't really felt like summer (you know, it stays the same-ish temp all year round in SF), but it's been really nice nonetheless. A trip to Chicago, Vegas, Napa, Santa Fe, and England were all in the mix, as well as two weeks in Kenya for Jonny. We've been mostly in SF for August (except for a little weekend in wine country with Matthew and Bel), and it's been magical. I know I'll look back on these days in years to come, and I hope I remember just how sweet they are.
That's all for now. xoxo